What is WEN? Is WEN for Me?
You can learn more about our program to decide if WEN is the right fit for you or check out our online workshops.
How Do I Get Started?
To access WEN's program of customized services, book an appointment with a career transition expert now for your free one-on-one discovery session and personalized action plan. Not sure where to start? Call (816) 822-8083.
Ready to Start
Request an appointment with one of our career transition experts or a financial coach
Are You Open?
Our physical location is open to clients currently enrolled in our in-person classes or by appoinment only. Offices will still remain closed to the general public.
While our physical office is currently not open to the public, we will continue to provide our much-needed services via phone and online, including our workshops. Services are available for free to new, existing, or past clients!
I Don't Have Internet Access. Can I Still Access WEN's Program?
Yes, WEN is here for you. To set up a phone appointment with a career transition expert for your free one-on-one discovery session call (816) 822-8083.
Do You Repair Credit?
No, but we do offer financial coaching.